Glen Mansbridge has lived and breathed GDPR since being contacted in 2017 by the Scottish Chiropractic Association to help guide their members through the minefield of GDPR compliance. 

He is passionate about data protection, having seen its importance grow over the past 30 years and also as owner of a clinic management product. 

His years of working with private practice clinics has given Glen a knowlegeable insight into the challenges clinics face with maintaining their GDPR compliance.

In 2018 Glen wrote a much-acclaimed GDPR Toolkit which has been successfully used by over a thousand clinics since and continues to be an invaluable tool to help clinics gain, and maintain, compliance in this complex subject.  Glen provides a range of services specifically for the clinician environment, including advice on all GDPR matters, compliance audit and training, as well as offering a Data Protection Officer service for clinics large and small. He has received formal training in GDPR via the IT Governance organisation and is a certified GDPR Practitioner.

Through his work with Painless Practice, he continues to provide the GDPR toolkit and online training sessions.