Need a DPO who is independent of your clinic?
Want a Data Protection Officer who has experience of clinics and their needs?
Just haven’t got time to manage the DPO role yourselves?

The challenge for many clinics is balancing the requirements of GDPR with the fact that they are a small organisation. An outsourced DPO delivers everything you need, without any conflict of interest. Experienced and independent.

I have designed a Data Protection Officer package for clinics, which I think will make appointing a DPO affordable and manageable. 

The price depends upon the size of your clinic. Contact me for a quote.

We engaged Glen as Data Protection Officer (DPO) in 2018 when GDPR was first introduced. We felt this was important as we’re a medical practice and therefore handle large amounts of personal health data which is classed as a ‘special category’ of data. Glen’s toolkit helped us gain compliance with a very clear, step by step process which proved invaluable.

He also comes into the clinic to present to our team once a year to ensure everyone is trained and understands their data protection responsibilities. Engaging Glen as our DPO has provided us with knowledge, clear procedures and most importantly, peace of mind. Highly recommended.

Susi Dale, Managing Direcctor
Recentre Health